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The Law Firm

Silva Ortiz, Alfonso, Pavic & Louge is a law firm with more than 100 professionals that provides a wide range of legal solutions to the problems that the current economy presents.

The majority of our clients are among Fortune 500 and Global 500, and we represent individuals, public enterprises and non-profit organizations as well.

Our business vision, together with our professionals’ commitment, allows us to design creative solutions to meet the needs of each client, seeking to build sound and durable relationships.

The work of our professionals is always aimed at obtaining the concrete results that have been previously established with the client. The variety of our services, together with our business vision, gives us a more comprehensive understanding of the situations in which we work.

At Silva Ortiz, Alfonso, Pavic & Louge we have important experience on coordinated work with other firms or organizations giving advice on complex affairs; as well as a special capacity to deal with massive processes.

Our services are available throughout Argentina by means of our own offices and of the associated firms.

Silva Ortiz, Alfonso, Pavic & Louge at a glance:

  • More than 140 professionals and employees.
  • More than 30 associated firms in Argentina and abroad.
  • Listed in national rankings among the most important law firms of Argentina (Apertura Magazine, since year 2008)
  • Several lawyers listed in national rankings among the most prestigious professionals (Apertura Magazine, since year 2006)

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